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Felix’s Employee Spotlight


Fi Holloway | Senior Copywriter


As our beloved Junior Copywriter, Felix can be found tapping away at his keyboard most hours of the working day. But what lies beneath his cool and calm exterior? We find out in our latest Employee Spotlight…

What’s your favourite genre of music?

Good question. I literally listen to everything! One moment it could be your classic radio pop, the next some indie music, hip-hop/RnB or old school disco-funk. Plus, I do love a bit of house/garage/electronic music too.


What three things do you most admire in people?

  • Kindness
  • Authenticity
  • Not taking yourself too seriously


You’ve got a ticket to go anywhere in the world ‒ where do you go?

I’d love to do a trip around South East Asia ‒ Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore ‒ mainly for the food because I absolutely love Asian cuisine, but it’s also such an incredible, interesting part of the world.  


What’s been your biggest adventure?

I’d have to say paragliding in Oludeniz, Turkey. Jumping off a 2000m mountain is not something I’d usually say yes to, but the views were AMAZING! Would I do it again? Probably not ‒ I don’t think I could face the drive up the mountain ‒ now that was scary!

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

Nothing too extraordinary, but I’m a very good tennis player (I think, at least). I used to compete across the UK all the time, and I was the number one tennis player in Dorset for my age many, many years ago!  


You get to have dinner with three famous people, dead or alive. Who do you invite and why? 

Three very different ones for you:

  • Russell T Davies: He’s a screenwriting powerhouse ‒ I think all of his shows are so brilliant, and I was a big Doctor Who fan growing up (I still am). I’d love to know how he conjures up his amazing, and sometimes crazy stories.
  • Roger Federer: He’s the only big tennis player I’ve never seen play live, so it would be amazing to even meet him.
  • Olivia Colman: She’s had an amazing career, I know she’d have some great stories and I bet she’d be a right laugh!


If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Thai curries are my favourite ‒ particularly Panang Curry, but any will do! 


Quickfire round

Scuba dive or skydive?

Scuba dive. As we’ve established, I’ve already had a taster of the skies and don’t think I’d be rushing to a skydive anytime soon. A jump in the ocean might be more my cup of tea.   

Cats or dogs?

I’ve got two cats ‒ so gotta be cats!

Christmas dinner or summer BBQ?

Christmas dinner. When you’ve got pigs in blankets, stuffing and roasties all on the same plate ‒ how could you not choose Christmas dinner!  

Night owl or early bird?

Both. I’m more of a morning person, but can stay up late if I have to! 

Book or audiobook? 

Book. I like to visualise/see things. I’d forget everything if I listened to an audiobook! 

Two pillows or one?

One. And not too squishy either.

Pub or night club? 

I haven’t been clubbing in a while, so I’d have to say pub. But if you got me back on the dancefloor, club might just have the edge. 

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